Thursday, September 14, 2006

Shout Out to My Girls!

I'm sending out a special thank you to two of my favorite girls in all the world! Livvy and Lexi, you girls ROCK my world! To fill the rest of you in, Livvy and Lexi are two of my best friends that I babysit for. They sent me a package of the coolest stuff EVER! I have had a pretty trying week, there were more tears shed, but they made my week!!! Thanks to them next time I get stressed I can color in my HUGE Strawberry Shortcake coloring book, with my new crayons and markers! (By the way girls, did you know that Strawberry Shortcake was my favorite? Cause she is!) I also found Hershey Kisses, Pixy Stix, TastyKakes, PINK slippers, a Magic Eight Ball (this will come in handy in my theology class . . . we just read about Divine Revelation. . . I'll just ask God to speak to me through the Magic Eight Ball), I also got cards and a journal. . . AND the BEST by far was the picture they drew for me! So Livvy and Lexi I heard you read my blog! So this one's for you (and of course Mommy and Dadddy for all their help!) THANKS!!!!

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