Sunday, November 26, 2006

Left Overs Party

This year I had brilliant idea! Katie, a friend from West Chester, and I decided to throw a party the day after Thanksgiving with the idea that everyone would bring their favorite left over. . . this way we have GREAT food and don't have to spend a thing! Brilliant! Possibly my best idea to date! Free food!

What I truly love about my college friends is that a party in which you eat left overs, make felt Christmas tree ornaments FOR A FELT TREE, sit around playing Catholic and Bible trivia, AND end the entire evening by sitting around the living room singing Kareoke is considered a GREAT night!

Favorite part of the evening? Well that would be a tie between singing I Got You Babe where my father, Fr. Sam, and Brian (whose in the seminary) sang Sonny's part and all the girls sang Cher, and having my sister walk in during the one point when we decided to sing O' Holy Night! She looked at us like she just stepped foot on strange planet (as if to say, "this is a party?)! It was simply fabulous!

This may have to become a tradition!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Graduate Assistant Web Page

Five devoted years at the Newman Center and Tim and I are both still wondering where our pictures can be found on the website! Four MONTHS at Dayton and I made the website! I guess that's the difference between a two person team and a thirty--a Campus Minister of technology!

Check out the Graduate Assistant Web Page!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

You Know You're a Party School When . . .

In case you have not heard there is a new runner hoofing it in the horse racing scene, UD Ghetto. This two-year old homebred is stealing the spotlight, not so much for performance but for potentiality. How does this connect to the University of Dayton you ask? Well, despite the faculty and staff's futile attempts of referring to the student housing on campus as the "Student Neighborhood" the student body has rebelled and thus the student housing has continued to be called "the Ghetto." This has perpetuated to the point that the student Mass on Sunday nights in the neighborhood is commoninly referred to as "Ghetto Mass."

In an article about this emerging race star the owner spoke about the name of the horse, here's what they had to say:

"There is certain to be a lot of folks watching and rooting for U D Ghetto, and not only because of the local connections. The colt also is drawing attention for his name, a reference to a row of shotgun houses where upperclassmen reside -- and often get rowdy -- at the University of Dayton . . . The Ghetto is the place to party at Dayton on weekend nights, and Reinstedler agreed the name is a perfect fit for a colt who's "a handful." U D Ghetto was gelded before he raced because of various behavioral problems."

I wonder what this will do for admissions come spring? So, in conclusion, you know you're a party school when you have a rowdy race horse named after you!

Friday, November 10, 2006

A Chilling Wake-Up Call

Have you ever had to stand out in the cold, in the wee hours of the morning, wearing nothing more than your pajamas and coat (and by that I mean literally just pajamas a a coat . . . in other words no underware)? I have! Dayton offers me such opportunities that I'm sure I could not experience any where else.

Last night, or shall I say EARLY this morning. . . roughly about 4 am . . . ON THE DAY MY SCHEDULE ALLOWED ME TO NOT SET AN ALARM CLOCK (hear the anger in my voice?) . . . We were rudely awaken to the fire alarm blaring through the halls, and in my room!!! Being that I am in the handicap room (because it was the only place they could put me) I am privaledged to have not one but TWO alarms in my room WITH a flashing strobe. When I wake up to the alarm-in the confusion of my sleep-I feel like it's an air raid!

Anyway, short story is three fire engines and four cop cars later it was discovered that some boys, in their brilliance, decided to light all the bulletin boards and posters in their hallway on fire! Drugs may have been involved! The facilities manager wants to treat it as arsen. . . we'll see what happens.

We permitted back in the building around 5 am, at which point sleeping was difficult since I had been up for so long my body thought it was time to go. After persistantly persuading my body it was wrong I fell back to sleep until close to 11.


Friday, November 03, 2006

A Spooky Thanksgiving Fairy Tale

As Christy said last Tuesday morning, this was truly an "Unforgettable" day. The 8 of us GA's in attempt to be a committed community to one another, had planned on having Thanksgiving dinner together before we all left to go home. The only problem was, as busy as we all are the only time to do this was on Halloween.

So, Halloween morning there we all sat (after using both duplex kitchens and myself using Brother Tom's across the street) eatting Turkey, mashed potatos, green bean cassarole, broccoli cassarole, pinapple bake, salad, stuffing, rolls, and of course pumpkin pie!

The parts that make it "Unforgetable?" Well, first of all we were having Thanksgiving on HALLOWEEN! Second, the house was still decorated from the weekend before when we had Christy's Surprise 30th fairytale themed birthday party! Third, in the middle of our meal two city inspectors came through to inspect the house . . . unexpectedly! All the while we had Nat King Cole's Unforgettable playing on the stereo! It was great!

This Spooky Thanksgiving Fairy Tale will truly remain Unforgettable!