Friday, November 10, 2006

A Chilling Wake-Up Call

Have you ever had to stand out in the cold, in the wee hours of the morning, wearing nothing more than your pajamas and coat (and by that I mean literally just pajamas a a coat . . . in other words no underware)? I have! Dayton offers me such opportunities that I'm sure I could not experience any where else.

Last night, or shall I say EARLY this morning. . . roughly about 4 am . . . ON THE DAY MY SCHEDULE ALLOWED ME TO NOT SET AN ALARM CLOCK (hear the anger in my voice?) . . . We were rudely awaken to the fire alarm blaring through the halls, and in my room!!! Being that I am in the handicap room (because it was the only place they could put me) I am privaledged to have not one but TWO alarms in my room WITH a flashing strobe. When I wake up to the alarm-in the confusion of my sleep-I feel like it's an air raid!

Anyway, short story is three fire engines and four cop cars later it was discovered that some boys, in their brilliance, decided to light all the bulletin boards and posters in their hallway on fire! Drugs may have been involved! The facilities manager wants to treat it as arsen. . . we'll see what happens.

We permitted back in the building around 5 am, at which point sleeping was difficult since I had been up for so long my body thought it was time to go. After persistantly persuading my body it was wrong I fell back to sleep until close to 11.


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