Saturday, August 04, 2007

The Move!

Hello all, sorry for the broken promise of weekly updates. . .

Classes took up my days. . . I was unable to write about the random things of life with a canon law paper hanging over my head!
Anyway, here is the short update and tour of my new space.
My parents drove in last weekend. We had a fabulous time. Friday my friend Chrysta from Cincinatti came up and had dinner with us. We then taught my parents how to play Euchre a suprisingly fantastic game, played much like Hearts but oh so much better!

Saturday my Daddy helped me move into my new space, here's a little tour of how it's shaping up:

My new living room! I believe the coffee table and couch is my favorite part. . . or maybe it's just the fact that I actually have a living room now!

Yes, I do believe it is nice to have a living room. . . it's a nice place to live in!

And of course the bedroom. . . this is as much as you can see right now. . . as you can see the bed is not made (as if I EVER do that!) I have a bathroom around the corner. . . again not exactly picture ready!

Hope you enjoyed the tour!

Come again soon!

1 comment:

Katie Naab said...

your new place looks great! I love it! :)